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from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
from .... import FastDeployModel, ModelFormat
from .... import c_lib_wrap as C

[docs]class NanoDetPlus(FastDeployModel): def __init__(self, model_file, params_file="", runtime_option=None, model_format=ModelFormat.ONNX): """Load a NanoDetPlus model exported by NanoDet. :param model_file: (str)Path of model file, e.g ./nanodet.onnx :param params_file: (str)Path of parameters file, e.g yolox/model.pdiparams, if the model_fomat is ModelFormat.ONNX, this param will be ignored, can be set as empty string :param runtime_option: (fastdeploy.RuntimeOption)RuntimeOption for inference this model, if it's None, will use the default backend on CPU :param model_format: (fastdeploy.ModelForamt)Model format of the loaded model """ # 调用基函数进行backend_option的初始化 # 初始化后的option保存在self._runtime_option super(NanoDetPlus, self).__init__(runtime_option) self._model = model_file, params_file, self._runtime_option, model_format) # 通过self.initialized判断整个模型的初始化是否成功 assert self.initialized, "NanoDetPlus initialize failed."
[docs] def predict(self, input_image, conf_threshold=0.25, nms_iou_threshold=0.5): """Detect an input image :param input_image: (numpy.ndarray)The input image data, 3-D array with layout HWC, BGR format :param conf_threshold: confidence threashold for postprocessing, default is 0.25 :param nms_iou_threshold: iou threashold for NMS, default is 0.5 :return: DetectionResult """ return self._model.predict(input_image, conf_threshold, nms_iou_threshold)
# 一些跟NanoDetPlus模型有关的属性封装 # 多数是预处理相关,可通过修改如model.size = [416, 416]改变预处理时resize的大小(前提是模型支持) @property def size(self): """ Argument for image preprocessing step, the preprocess image size, tuple of (width, height), default (320, 320) """ return self._model.size @property def padding_value(self): # padding value, size should be the same as channels return self._model.padding_value @property def keep_ratio(self): # keep aspect ratio or not when perform resize operation. This option is set as false by default in NanoDet-Plus return self._model.keep_ratio @property def downsample_strides(self): # downsample strides for NanoDet-Plus to generate anchors, will take (8, 16, 32, 64) as default values return self._model.downsample_strides @property def max_wh(self): # for offseting the boxes by classes when using NMS, default 4096 return self._model.max_wh @property def reg_max(self): """ reg_max for GFL regression, default 7 """ return self._model.reg_max @size.setter def size(self, wh): assert isinstance(wh, (list, tuple)),\ "The value to set `size` must be type of tuple or list." assert len(wh) == 2,\ "The value to set `size` must contatins 2 elements means [width, height], but now it contains {} elements.".format( len(wh)) self._model.size = wh @padding_value.setter def padding_value(self, value): assert isinstance( value, list), "The value to set `padding_value` must be type of list." self._model.padding_value = value @keep_ratio.setter def keep_ratio(self, value): assert isinstance( value, bool), "The value to set `keep_ratio` must be type of bool." self._model.keep_ratio = value @downsample_strides.setter def downsample_strides(self, value): assert isinstance( value, list), "The value to set `downsample_strides` must be type of list." self._model.downsample_strides = value @max_wh.setter def max_wh(self, value): assert isinstance( value, float), "The value to set `max_wh` must be type of float." self._model.max_wh = value @reg_max.setter def reg_max(self, value): assert isinstance( value, int), "The value to set `reg_max` must be type of int." self._model.reg_max = value